Saturday, May 30, 2020

Learn How To Say You Are Unemployed

Learn How To Say You Are Unemployed I have a friend who is in a job search.   My friend is mad.   Hes hurt, wounded, depressed, sad, and feels incompetent. But really, hes MAD. Hes mad at the people responsible for him being in this job search.   (You might not be mad, but if you are overly hurt, wounded, depressed, sad, etc. and it shows, this post is for you) Okay, I get it.   Im mad too, and its been almost FOUR YEARS!   The problem with him, though, is that everyone knows hes mad. And people feel bad for him, and some get mad with him, and no one blames him for feeling MAD. But no one is ready to really help him.   No one is ready to spend their relationship capital on him for one simple reason: they are not willing to risk their relationship capital when it might backfire. Since he is so mad, the introduction might backfire.   You see, when I spent time to nurture a relationship, I dont want it jeopardized by someone who is MAD someone who I highly recommend that you chat with. I would not give an intro to someone who will ruin my relationship capital.   This person needs to figure out how to talk about what has happened with him   Here are some key thoughts: Be concise. What happened to you has happened to well, almost anyone who has been working for a few years.   I dont want to hear every detail just sum it up and let me know that you are in transition. Dont be negative. As you tell your side of the story you might make yourself look like a risk. Was there a reason you were let go?   Was it performance-related? Where you a legal liability?   And, if you are talking this way about your old boss, how are you going to talk about ME?   You should be able to figure out a way to explain why you are in transition that does not make you look bad, nor does it make you look like a whiny gossip, nor does it make you look like you are anxious to spread the bad word about your past employer (which I might one day become). Make an impression about YOU. You have a few seconds to make an impression and share a message why would you take precious time to talk about something that really doesnt matter, or help you in any way? I know that it sucks, and Im not suggesting you have to be a Pollyanna, but beware of how you communicate your why, let you turn off your network contacts. Learn How To Say You Are Unemployed I have a friend who is in a job search.   My friend is mad.   Hes hurt, wounded, depressed, sad, and feels incompetent. But really, hes MAD. Hes mad at the people responsible for him being in this job search.   (You might not be mad, but if you are overly hurt, wounded, depressed, sad, etc. and it shows, this post is for you) Okay, I get it.   Im mad too, and its been almost FOUR YEARS!   The problem with him, though, is that everyone knows hes mad. And people feel bad for him, and some get mad with him, and no one blames him for feeling MAD. But no one is ready to really help him.   No one is ready to spend their relationship capital on him for one simple reason: they are not willing to risk their relationship capital when it might backfire. Since he is so mad, the introduction might backfire.   You see, when I spent time to nurture a relationship, I dont want it jeopardized by someone who is MAD someone who I highly recommend that you chat with. I would not give an intro to someone who will ruin my relationship capital.   This person needs to figure out how to talk about what has happened with him   Here are some key thoughts: Be concise. What happened to you has happened to well, almost anyone who has been working for a few years.   I dont want to hear every detail just sum it up and let me know that you are in transition. Dont be negative. As you tell your side of the story you might make yourself look like a risk. Was there a reason you were let go?   Was it performance-related? Where you a legal liability?   And, if you are talking this way about your old boss, how are you going to talk about ME?   You should be able to figure out a way to explain why you are in transition that does not make you look bad, nor does it make you look like a whiny gossip, nor does it make you look like you are anxious to spread the bad word about your past employer (which I might one day become). Make an impression about YOU. You have a few seconds to make an impression and share a message why would you take precious time to talk about something that really doesnt matter, or help you in any way? I know that it sucks, and Im not suggesting you have to be a Pollyanna, but beware of how you communicate your why, let you turn off your network contacts. Learn How To Say You Are Unemployed I have a friend who is in a job search.   My friend is mad.   Hes hurt, wounded, depressed, sad, and feels incompetent. But really, hes MAD. Hes mad at the people responsible for him being in this job search.   (You might not be mad, but if you are overly hurt, wounded, depressed, sad, etc. and it shows, this post is for you) Okay, I get it.   Im mad too, and its been almost FOUR YEARS!   The problem with him, though, is that everyone knows hes mad. And people feel bad for him, and some get mad with him, and no one blames him for feeling MAD. But no one is ready to really help him.   No one is ready to spend their relationship capital on him for one simple reason: they are not willing to risk their relationship capital when it might backfire. Since he is so mad, the introduction might backfire.   You see, when I spent time to nurture a relationship, I dont want it jeopardized by someone who is MAD someone who I highly recommend that you chat with. I would not give an intro to someone who will ruin my relationship capital.   This person needs to figure out how to talk about what has happened with him   Here are some key thoughts: Be concise. What happened to you has happened to well, almost anyone who has been working for a few years.   I dont want to hear every detail just sum it up and let me know that you are in transition. Dont be negative. As you tell your side of the story you might make yourself look like a risk. Was there a reason you were let go?   Was it performance-related? Where you a legal liability?   And, if you are talking this way about your old boss, how are you going to talk about ME?   You should be able to figure out a way to explain why you are in transition that does not make you look bad, nor does it make you look like a whiny gossip, nor does it make you look like you are anxious to spread the bad word about your past employer (which I might one day become). Make an impression about YOU. You have a few seconds to make an impression and share a message why would you take precious time to talk about something that really doesnt matter, or help you in any way? I know that it sucks, and Im not suggesting you have to be a Pollyanna, but beware of how you communicate your why, let you turn off your network contacts.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Build a Website Different From the Rest - Classy Career Girl

How to Build a Website Different From the Rest Enjoy this  sneak peek inside our Business Plan  Template  â€" on sale now! Fill in the blanks, super easy. You’ll love it! You can easily be like everyone else. It takes courage and confidence to be different. TO BE YOU!  You must remember to create your brand and website with a different mindset of where you are at right now. I want you to create your website thinking about where you are headed, not where you are right now. For instance, in 6 months when you reach your goals, what do you want your website to look like? Start making that happen today. You don’t have to wait for 6 months! With all the noise out there now, its time to stand out and be different. Here are 9 ways you can build a website different from the rest: 1. Create a Manifesto If you didn’t care what other people thought, what would you say to your fans and followers? What are you sick of in your industry? What do your potential clients need to STOP doing that you feel so strongly about? What do your potential clients need to START doing you feel strong about? Heres an example of CCGs manifesto. 2. Create a Logo Option 1: 1) Go to and click on design. 2) Pick a transparent background for canvas color. 3) Pick a text and create your logo! You can also create a monogram and add different shapes as well. Option 2: Brainstorm what you want your monogram or text logo to look like. Then, go to Picmonkey or Zillion Designs and try to create it yourself. 3. Create Your Signature Font This is so easy! You dont have to go with the font that comes with your website theme when you build a website. Instead use these options. Option 1: WordPress plugin: Easy Google Fonts plugin Option 2: Use a font in 4. Pick Your Signature Colors Pick 2-3 colors you want to reference as you build a website. Get the hex color number and use those colors only everywhere across your website and  social media. You want your viewers to immediately see your photos and branding and know it is you! 5. Be Consistent Across Social Media You need to make sure your branding is consistent across all of your platforms so that your potential customers remember you. Here is a checklist to ensure your brand is consistent: ? Website and Blog ? Bio ? Free Lead Magnet training ? Facebook Page ? Instagram ?  Facebook Ad ? Twitter Page ? Promotional Video ? Pop up ? Linkedin Page ? Business Card ? Phone voicemail ? Pinterest Page ? Sales Page ? Handouts or flyers ? YouTube Page ? Email signature ? Notecards or thank you cards 6. Add Social proof You can’t have too many testimonials when you build a website. Put them all over your website now. Your potential customers love checking out other people’s results. The more you have, the more credible you are. Don’t hide out and be humble! Let your previous clients share how much you rock! Hint: Create a simple survey in and send them the same link each time. Here are the questions you can use: -What did you find as a result of buying this course (or working with me)? -What specific feature did you like most about this course (or working with me)? -What would be other benefits of this course? -Would you recommend this course? If so, why? -Is there anything you’d like to add? -Do we have your permission to use your feedback on our website? If yes, please include your name, thank you! (Then, follow up to get a picture and you are all set!!) 7. Create Your Lead Magnet What is the first step in the path that you want website viewers to do? When you build a website, you want to think about the product or service you are leading them to. Remember, problem, solution, problem solution. You want to give your viewers a solution to their problem but then they should still have another problem that you can help them with in the future. You definitely want to help your prospects in your lead magnet as much as possible (give away your BEST stuff!) but you also need to create a desire for the next step in your sales funnel. 8. Create an AWESOME About Page Your about page should NOT be all about your accomplishments. Instead, it’s about how you can help your potential clients. What do they really want to know? Your about page can be broken into these steps. It should include their words about their frustrations and dreams that you found from surveying and talking to potential clients.  It should also give you some credibility and social media and testimonials from prior clients. Finally, you want to include a call to action so they can learn more about you and you can share what you provide in your lead magnet. Its also a great idea to include an official bio too for media and press and people who want to invite you to speak to their groups as well.  Share all the details of how awesome you are here! 9. Create an AWESOME ‘Work With Me’ Page What results have you gotten for your previous clients? How can they learn more and sign-up today? What will happen if they do sign-up today? How do you want them to feel on this page? Comfortable and confident in you and your services, right? Make sure this page is simple and easy to understand exactly how you can solve their problems and the benefits you provide. Make sure you get them excited too! Enjoy this  sneak peek inside our Business Plan  Template  â€" on sale now! Fill in the blanks, super easy. You’ll love it!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

50 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People (Podcast #66) - Classy Career Girl

50 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People (Podcast #66) You arent going to find your dream career if you  are feeling like there is not enough time in the day.  In order to be able to master your next career transition, you have to be able to master your life right now. Thats what todays podcast is all about. Lets dive into the daily habits of highly successful people! First, we will help you master your time and productivity so your calendar and to-do list actually make you happy, not stressed. Then, we will dive into some mandatory self-care strategies and ensure that you feeling in control of your life and career. Click play below or  right click here and save link as  to download or subscribe on iTunes  here on this link: If you are enjoying our podcast, please leave us a review on iTunes! It would mean the world. Thank you! Podcast 66: 50 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People These strategies I am teaching you today to help you master your personal life and career will change your life. And a little hint, if you want more training just like this, there is plenty more in our career change membership community, Love Your Career Formula, for women who want to figure out what their ideal career is and then find and succeed in that job. You can add your name to the waitlist for when we re-open doors to our membership community at Successful People Habits  Mindset   1. If your career and life were a perfect 10, where are you today in every aspect of your life. As women our careers and lives are just so intertwined, I know mine is. If I am happy at work, I am happy at home.   I talk with so many women who are unhappy at work and it is affecting their home life.   So this circle will help you assess where you are at right now in each of the areas of your life such as your personal development, fun, relationships/marriage, money, health, spirituality, giving and career. I think you will find it very eye opening.   2. Know  your level of career satisfaction and your reason for a career change if you want one. 3. Be OK with your path   No one is perfect and each of us has our own unique journey to finding our ideal career path.? Don’t judge yourself. We are often our worst critics.?Don’t think you have to be like everyone else’s path. Your path is unique and will be different. There is no “perfect timeline.” You are on the RIGHT PATH! Even if you feel like it is taking way too long.   Everyone’s journey is different. You can’t compare yourself to anyone else.     Successful People Habits:  Part 2 -Time Management   4. You are in charge  of your calendar, your calendar doesn’t control you. Read The Big Leap  by Gay Hendricks.   What Gay Hendricks says in this book is this idea behind Einstein time. This is where you are in charge of your time. You are where time comes from. You can make as much of it as you want. So I want you to think about this, I want you to shift your thinking to this Einstein time, where you experience a major surge in your productivity, creativity and enjoyment. This shift takes place the moment you embrace one profoundly simple truth and that is you are where time comes from.     5. If you don’t have a plan, your calendar will control you.   Just doing whatever comes their way. Instead of having exact times when you will do certain things in your week. Discipline is required and planning is required if you want to achieve your career goals. This is why I have a weekly review session where I review what I am doing each day of the next week and everything is scheduled into my calendar.   6. Have boundaries  for social media, family time and personal time.   I find that most of my clients are not alone enough and enjoying life and being present. Not taking a break from the internet and Always being tied to it. Now I carefully guard my Sundays for family time and try my hardest as well to have times when we turn off computers and don’t talk about work.   It’s so important to realize what your priorities are and to guard that time as hard as possible.       [RELATED: 36 Life-changing Productivity Tips to Streamline Your Life] 7. Categorize your time into focus time, administrative   time and sacred time.     8. Batching  is when you group similar tasks into blocks of time.? During this time you have no distractions                         .       Did you know that every time you are distracted, it takes 15 minutes to regain complete focus again?    Batching is when you group similar tasks into blocks of time. During this time you have no interruptions or distractions. You can maximize your concentration and really focus on the task at hand.   9. Discipline  is required if you want to achieve your career goals.   I have to continually remind myself of this when I want to sleep in or go to bed during a big time in my career.   This is what will separate you from the rest. It doesn’t require that much time it’s just some time and that is where discipline comes into play.   10. The Pareto Principle states that 20%   of your input creates 80%   of your results. Focus on the 20% that will get you the results you want.   That means you must really focus on what is working when launching your dream career or business. You need to focus on the 20% of what is going to make the difference to save time and get faster results. 80% of what you are doing right now could be a waste of time.     What tasks and activities can I do right now that are going to move me closer to my dream career or dream business? What are the 20% of actions I can do right now that will produce 80% of my results?   Here are some examples….   11. 80% of job leads are found through networking.   12. The top 20% of your resume is the most important section.   13. The first 1-2 minutes  of your interviews are the most important.?   14. If you are an entrepreneur, figure out which 20% of your time produces 80% of your business’ results                             , then you can spend more time on those activities and less time on others.     15. Identifying the characteristics of the top 20% of your customers  (who represent 80% of your sales). Then, you can find more customers  like them and dramatically grow your sales and profits.   16. Free    up your time.   Because your career goals are SO IMPORTANT right now and really going to determine the rest of your future and happiness, you need to be very focused and selfish with your time. Even though you sister wants you to babysit and you are unemployed does not mean that you can babysit. Your full-time job needs to be job searching.    17. Automate your life, systematize    your life and delegate  your life as much as possible.   18. Find your best time.                 Not everyone can jump out of bed in the mornings and get to work. Not everyone can do his or her best work from 1am-4am.? When are you the most focused?? Morning, afternoon or night?  Don’t spend your BEST TIME watching television. Spend your best time focusing on what is the most important to you right now â€" job searching and getting your career unstuck.?   19. Make a morning  ritual.       The biggest mistake that I see made over and over is waking up and checking email and I did this too when I was in corporate.   It really ruined my entire day especially when I worked with people on the east coast who had been sending work emails for hours. No one should have to wake up like that!     20. The more decisions    you make in the day, the less energy  you have for your passions, your dreams and your goals.     21. Wake up earlier . Make the best decisions and do your best work on launching your dream career or business first thing                     in the morning!     22. Limit your priorities. I recommend only focusing on ONE THING  at a time.   Now it’s time to make a list of everything you need to get done this week. Then, I want you to prioritize this list in order of importance.   The truth really is that not everything you do is a priority.   Some things you will have to let go of and some things you will have to say no to. Some things you can batch together in an hour and knock out fast rather than putting it on your weekly priority list. The key here really is to simplify your to-do list so it doesn’t overwhelm you.     23. Your priorities should be the tasks that will make the biggest difference    in your job search or launching your business.   So we talked about this earlier when we talked about the Pareto Principle. Making sure you are focusing on what will make the biggest difference so if you are job searching it’s out there networking, meeting people and if you are building a business it’s focusing on revenue producing activities like client calls instead of blogging.       24. Plan your weekly review.                       How do I plan out my week for success so I am not stressed? I go into Monday knowing exactly what I am going to do for the week. My secret is my Friday afternoon weekly review.     Successful People Habits: Part 3 Self-care    25. Find your happy place.   So this is for you if you feel like you need a little more creativity, I know sometimes we get stuck in a grind and aren’t doing anything that is beautiful or exciting or creative and most of us women need this.   26. What activities did you enjoy as a child  that you can add back into your life now?   Figure skating, ceramics, going to an art museum.     27. Make time for what you love  every single day.     A big mistake is not making time for what you love every single day and your passions and your goals.   I give you a huge congrats if you are here tonight because you put YOURSELF first in front of everyone else because that is a common mistake- Putting other people in front of you that you just get so drained.       28. Pamper  yourself.   This could be a spa day, a massage, a manicure, it could be a new shirt to wear to an interview or networking event. Even if you have to plan it next week and save a little do it. Put it into your calendar. Have that massage appointment booked.     29. If you have no energy    yourself, then you have no energy  for those around you.   30. Put on your oxygen mask    first before those around you.       because I am a better wife, mother and CEO if I am making time for myself, This also covers asking for help and delegating.   It’s often hard to do these things but it is so crucial and I have definitely learned this in the first year of being a mom! So have some fun, call up some friends, schedule that appointment for a manicure, take care of you!     31. You don’t have to be perfect. We are all imperfect and trying to get to perfect can come with a lot of stress. Also, perfection kills creativity, which is very important when coing up with ideas and inspiration to launch your dream career.? Here are some ways you can start moving away from perfection:   32. It’s ok to say no. No one will hate you. It’s ok to say no.? I have a client whose boss keeps having her do his work for him. ?Before she could actually have the time to job search and get her career unstuck, she needed to clear the tasks on her plate and stop doing his work. I know it is sometimes hard to say no because we want others to like us. But, you have to practice it and think about how important your time really is. You need to set boundaries for yourself.     33. Your best ideas    will come when you aren’t in front of your computer. My shower is where I get the best ideas. I need to get one of those notepads for your shower so I can remember all of my ideas!! I also get my best ideas when out for a run too so don’t think you have to be behind the computer all the time. It doesn’t have to be hard and this endless struggle applying online or trying to update your facebook page if starting a business. You can get out and be inspired and hear a great speaker or workout and have an amazing new idea or meet someone randomly that can help you. You just never know.     Successful People Habits: Part 4 Unclutter 34. Clear Your Tolerations : Things in your life that you are currently tolerating  right now.       Tolerations are things in your life that you are currently tolerating right now.? They could be as simple as the shirt sitting in your closet that you have been meaning to return for weeks or something that you can’t stand about the co-worker you sit next to.     35. Perfect the present  and free up your mind and energy.   This goes back to what we talked about in our first call in Prep School for Success Mindset. We talked about Gratitude and how important it is to be thankful for everything currently in your life. I have to share some results of what you guys are implementing just from call #1 right now.   36. Write a list of 10 things    you are tolerating and spend a weekend plugging these energy drains    if you can.?     So what are you tolerating right now? What do you hate about your career and life?? Write down a list of 10 things you are tolerating and spend a weekend plugging these energy drains if you can.? This is going to free up your mind and energy. It is going to make room and space for new opportunities to come your way. It is time to clear the clutter and     37. Fix what is wrong. Opportunities open up at work.   Co-workers change cubicles or leave jobs that they were ”tolerating” but thought they couldn’t do anything about it. So you never know but just write those tolerations down!  And this happened to me too!     38. Go through your closet/office as the next level  of you.   Who do you want to become. What would she wear? What type of office would she work in?         39. Fall in love with your workspace.   If not, it’s time to make some improvements to your office.   Think about what does inspire you and what do you love? How can you add some of that to your workspace? For me, this was as simple as getting some folders, frames, photos of my family and spending $25 at Target for some fun supplies.     40. Everything should be beautiful. Make your workspace a place where you love to be that is comfortable, beautiful and promotes your creativity.       [RELATED: How to Create a Stylish Office When You Work From Home] 41. If you want a change, make room for new      things. Clean up and make space! 42. Take care of what you have already been provided                                           .   Your current car before wanting another one. Your current house before wanting another one.     43. What are you tolerating in your wallet?  How are you handling your money? Successful People Habits: Part 5 Health   44. You are what you eat. This changed my outlook of food when I heard this.   So first question is what are the words that describe the type of person and life you want to live. My words are full of life, energetic, inspiring, motivating and fulfilling. Now when I am struggling to figure out what to eat, I ask myself what foods on the menu are full of life, energetic, inspiring, motivating and fulfilling. And it’s amazing how much easier that choice is!   45. Nourish  yourself for peak performance.   The better you feel the more energy you will have to be at peak performance. You won’t be lethargic or tired. You will have energy when you come home from work or when you wake up. Everyone’s body is different so I am not telling you what to eat or drink but I will just say     46. Plan    your meals in advance.   For the week. Just do it. Spend an hour. Go grocery shopping. Pack up your meals ahead of the week. Look on pinterest for some great recipes or crockpot meals or lunch ideas. This goes back to the batching idea I talked about earlier. If you batch this you can do it much faster all at once then trying to figure out what to eat all the way through the week.   And you can eat multiple things throughout the week which is why I love it so much. So I usually set aside a breakfast, lunch and dinner menu for the week. And buy everything once per week. I know some people have others cook for them or grocery shop for them and if you   need that, that might be a way to pamper yourself. For me,   I love to cook and plan out meals. Just look at my Pinterest boards if you need ideas. The key is just planning ahead and having everything ready in my fridge. When you do this planning in advance it will not only give you more energy because you will be eating healthier but you will be saving time eac h week which gives you MORE time to focus on your career goals!     47. Stay hydrated while working.   Keep water next to you always. You will never catch me without my water bottle. Only when my daughter has taken it and hidden it I don’t know why she always wants to drink from my water bottle anyways. Stay hydrated will give you more energy too.     48. If you feel great, you will be more confident and happier.   You all know that I know your reason for reading this is to become happier so focus on taking care of yourself and being the best you can be to your body and that really is how you treat yourself with food and exercise. I have to take a walk or run everyday and just recently yesterday joined the YMCA here in Des Moines where we currently are on our Road trip. I used to be able to work out doing a home workout video but now my daughter is 15 months she won’t leave me alone so I realized I can no longer do that and sought outside help. [Symbol] free childcare while I can workout and shower for 2 hours per day sounds pretty amazing to me because showering is incredibly difficult these days too! Especially blow drying now that’s out the window. So a gym membership for me is my pampering.     49. You can get a workout with just 20 minutes  per day.   So many home workouts, this helped me after my pregnancy, just a 20 minute per day workout. I used to use Tailored Fitness so check that out and there are so many videos on Youtube you can check out as well.   50. Most people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night to feel sufficiently rested.   Go to bed. Don’t stay up late. Unless that is your best time. Don’t waste your time watching TV though.      More than half    of Americans get less than the necessary 7 hours  of sleep each night, according to the National Sleep Foundation.   The book Thrive by Arianna Huffington really opened my eyes to sleep and how important it is. She recommends not keeping your phone in your bedroom which I still havent implemented yet but I need to do.   What daily habits of successful people have you witnessed?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Six Great Tips To Become More Productive

Six Great Tips To Become More Productive If you want to be a successful person and organize your routine in the most efficient way, this article is for you! You can work and become a super-productive person. There are many tips out there on how to become more productive and manage the demands on your time better.   Here are some of our favorites. Say No to Multitasking A lot of people tend to think that multitasking is a genius idea, as you get to finish 2 or 3 things simultaneously.   Well, it’s a misconception. Usually when a human brain focuses on one unit at a time, there are no obstacles to finish it on time and in a straightforward way. If you compile many tasks together and try to handle them not one by one but in one go, you end up wasting a lot of energy and get your brain trying to focus on too many things. Sleep as a King Mind how much sleep you get daily to be sure that the number of hours spent in bed is sufficient for your daily functioning. Rest plays a fundamental role in all the tasks we perform. Master your sleep, and you will manage your whole life. Many experts say it’s better to fall asleep early and wake up early. Remember that it is about quality, not quantity. Do not oversleep either: 7-8 hours of good sleep is sufficient for average person. One Bite at a Time People often believe that setting big goals helps to get tasks resolved. But theres more to it than that. If you dream too much over big things, you may forget that its the small steps that lead to the end of the journey. For this reason, try to break big projects into smaller parts. Small chunks of work will allow you to stay focused and lead you directly to the larger goal. Small pieces also make the big goal look less frightening and stressful. Keep the Focus 10 minutes of productive and focused effort are far better than 3 hours of unfocused activity. So, if you need to do some work, commit yourself to it and keep the focus. Just pull yourself together and try to motivate yourself by visualizing your life when the work is done. A pretty amazing feeling, right? And do not postpone things and leave them until the last minute. We Become What We Eat What we consume on a daily basis greatly affects our bodies and mental state. It relates to our energy level, well-being and focus in the run of the day. Eating junk food will lead you to a junk performance in the long run because youre not feeding your body and brain what it needs to be healthy and productive. When you start taking care of your daily diet,   you increase the good feeling on both mental and mental levels and   that promises a great and productive day. Outsource Some of Your Workload Everyone has days or weeks when the workload is simply more than you can get to in a timely manner.   Learn to prioritize and to get help with things that dont require your level of knowledge or experience. Call in a housekeeper to tidy up your digs.   Got a mundane paper to write for work or school?   Its okay to say  â€œwrite my essay” to a professional service that specializes in that.   Even though such needs might appear at the last minute, theres almost always the possibility of getting immediate help and sometimes even 24/7.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tips for Writing a Professional Resume From To Upto

Tips for Writing a Professional Resume From To UptoThere are a number of guidelines that one can follow when it comes to resume writing from to to. One has to do with a basic understanding of how these two various levels function. It also has to do with having some knowledge of professional resume writing from to to.A resume is the formal written document that most employers look at when evaluating potential employees. A resume is intended to convey information that will be used by the employer to assess the prospective employee's skills and abilities, their specific skillset and that the employer will be able to see what skills they will be needing in the future.While it is true that an individual may be qualified for a position with a company and not be skilled enough to fill that person's resume, that's not the case. A resume should always be prepared well in advance of a job interview or even interview scheduling. Resumes are not just simple pieces of paper that you put together by hand. Resumes are designed by people who have a good understanding of business, writing and good business etiquette.It is important that an individual has a good understanding of the concepts of formal writing and resume writing from to to. The professional writing industry has put together numerous books and courses that will help an individual to build a strong resume, but it is up to the individual to practice the best way possible.Before you start putting anything on paper, whether it is a resume or your resume and cover letter, it is essential that you practice this formal format that you will use for writing resumes. Practice your resume in front of a mirror. This will give you an idea of how it should look and how the right lines should be used to promote your skills and abilities to an employer.Even if you don't necessarily need touse a mirror for practice, make sure that you are using the proper writing style practices. After all, the professional resume writing industry is based on professional standards of organization and the professional writing style.Many times, people who have just started out are overwhelmed with their resume, as they start out without a proper outline of what they want their resume to look like. In order to avoid this, be sure that your resume is structured well in advance of your interview. Be sure that the headings are clearly defined and that you use the correct punctuation in your resume.Resume writing from to upto is not only about getting a job, but also about building a career. Make sure that you give yourself the best chance possible to get that job as well as for a career of your own.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How Does the Digital Divide Affect Job Search -

Computer skills are the prerequisites for securing a job position in many contemporary highâ€"paying organisations, thus a lack of these skills may confine applicants to lowâ€"paying even menial jobs.A lack of ICT skill sets, broadband access and even social media abilities can make it extremely difficult to get jobs these days, as those with no internet access or computer skills are generally starved of the latest information regarding job opportunities.Some people, especially those in the rural areas, simply can’t afford a PC or laptop, while only a few of them understand how a computer operates. Not only does this increase job search costs, but it is quite a substantial problem in today’s job market. For instance, an applicant was expected to create a profile online for his job search to enable communications via email. Unfortunately, he is a resident of a rural community and is unknowledgeable in terms of access to and use of broadband. Also, he has no experience in typing do cuments and neither does he own an active email account, so he has to forfeit the opportunity as he couldn’t make it before the application deadline passed.In ConclusionWith the increased use of the internet within the job search and application process, it is not only literacy that is crucial, but also an advanced knowledge of latest systems and tools such as social media.   With technology developing at a fast rate and new tools and websites being created every day, job seekers can massively enhance their chances of finding their dream job by successfully utilising the technology.The digital divide is only set to increase, giving a wider range of opportunities to those with advanced computer literacy.   Perhaps as broadband becomes more commonplace in rural areas and developing nations, the gap will close, but with new technologies constantly being developed, playing catch up will be no easy feat.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Experts Who Help You To Land Your Dream Job - CareerAlley

The Experts Who Help You To Land Your Dream Job - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Every day, job seekers review vacancies on their favourite platforms. Whether they click to upload their resumes or are redirected to an online profile builder, sometimes several hundreds of candidates apply for the same position. Only one of them will be offered the role at the end of the interview process. Every candidate asks the same question: how can I make sure to be the one they choose? Its a difficult answer. Indeed, your skill sets, naturally, is detrimental to the role. You wouldnt dream of applying for a position that requires certifications and experience you dont have. However, its fair to say that if ticking off the skill requirements in every job description were all it took to land your dream job; there would be fewer job seekers. Your personality plays a significant part in convincing the employer that youre the right person for the role. Similarly, you cant send your CV without making sure first that you have reliable references who are going to promote you to recruiters. Its fair to say that if ticking off the skill requirements in every job description were all it took to land your dream job; there would be fewer job seekers. Tweet This But you also have to consider that recruiters and employers are social creatures who rely on first impressions to develop a trust relationship with each candidate. Nailing the first impression is going to tip the scales in your favour when it comes to deciding between candidates with a similar experience and background. Youve probably read countless articles explaining how to maintain eye contact during an interview or how to do a firm but friendly handshake. But, in reality, you need more than an online how-to tutorial to make an unforgettable impression. You need experts who can provide dedicated support. Boost your profile with a personal site The tutor who helps you with your grades Some positions require specific degree classification. Indeed, you have probably come across specs targeted at 2:1-degree owners, or 1st class. In the UK system, the rating refers to the marks out of 100, meaning that 1st class degrees have obtained a score of 70 or over. While this information is typically relevant to entry-level positions and semi-managerial roles, it can also affect your chances of being a successful applicant. However, you can work closely with a dedicated professional during your student years to maximise your chances. A law tutor can help you to reach your potential and improve your marks for LLB or LLM degrees, for instance. For anybody who is still finishing their studies, personalised tutoring can be the way forward, especially if you struggle with complex lessons or topics. The web designer who creates your site The idea that you should need a web designer as a job applicant can seem ludicrous at first. But, youd be surprised to know that a different approach can prove more successful than a traditional CV. Indeed, the story of Nina from Airbnb has become an overnight hit that shows the full potential of a personal website. Nina became a member on Airbnb in 2013 and immediately fell in love with the company. However, by 2015, she had tried many strategies to attract the attention of the company and failed to receive a positive response. Therefore, with the help of a web designer, she launched her personal website that introduced not only her enthusiasm for Airbnb but also some of the research work shes been doing. Ninans work not only got her an interview with Airbnb but she also got noticed by a load of other big brands, including UpWork where she landed a job. The lesson here is clear: create new and exciting content that will get you noticed. source The copywriter who nails that cover letter Unless youre a trained content creator in the recruiting industry, the chances are that writing a cover letter might be challenging. Indeed, when you have only a few words to impress, you cant afford to skip the cover letter. However, you are one of many candidates; how much time do recruiters dedicate to reading your material? The answer is less than you think! Therefore nailing your cover letter by keeping it sweet and short is a delicate but necessary skill to master. But, theres nothing that stops you from polishing up your finished letter with a professional copywriter who can help you to improve some phrases for a more impactful content. Ultimately, you want an informative letter than showcases not only your expertise but also your personality, which is something a trained writer can help you with. The professional recruiter who checks your PPT More and more companies ask candidates to prepare a quick presentation. Creating a stand out presentation is a skill that you need to develop. Typically, the recruiter provides you with a few days to a few weeks to prepare a topic you can expect anything from extensive research into the future trends in the industry to a case study. Needless to say, youll have to do your homework to nail the content of your presentation. But when it comes to the shape and format of your PPT file, you can work closely with a recruiting agent or a presentation expert to make sure your slides dont send your audience to sleep. The first rule of presenting in front of an audience is to get your listening to participate, building the slides in such a way that you leave them questioning and thinking. Job interviews are pretty daunting, in all sorts of different ways. Its already a pretty harrowing thing to be put in a situation where you are going through a make or break test to obtain a job you really want and care about, and when you add in the importance of personal presentation, a well-formatted CV, and all the rest, it can be difficult to stay calm and composed. 4 Tips for Boosting Your Confidence for an Interview The theatre coach who helps you with your anxiety Dont be fooled into thinking that an elegant slide design is all it takes to run a brilliant PPT presentation. When you present your ideas to recruiters, you are effectively stepping into the role of a public speaker, regardless whether youre applying for a public-facing position or not. Speaking in public is not an easy task for some people. Shy and introverted personalities can feel at significant disadvantages during interviews. However, you can improve your techniques and boost your confidence with a few theatre courses. Indeed, some practical acting tips can let you manage your anxiety and use your voice and body language effectively. Think about your presentation as a two-part performance where the content you deliver needs to be matched by the quality of the delivery. The stylist who knows office elegance A stylist? You might be thinking that the last thing you need is a stylist. But in reality, your clothes are part of creating the first impression. Indeed, youll find that most employers are keen to let you know whether they value a casual or formal dress code for the interview, which is your first clue. If nobody provides any detail, you should aim for a relaxed formal outfit. However, its fair to say that when recruiters meet dozens of candidates in a day, your style can make a significant impact and differentiate you from others. A stylist who helps you to nail your interview outfit without losing your personality helps you to stand out from a crowd of dull tailored blazers and trousers. When you stand out, employers remember you! The manicure technician who gives you a killer handshake What does your handshake say about you? While there are many studies of what makes a good handshake, you need to understand that the people youll be meeting are unlikely to have the psychological knowledge necessary to make sense of your behaviour. However, they can build an impression based on your handshake. A typical rule of thumb is to aim for something half-way between a wet-fish and the power crusher handshake, aka not too weak or strong. But more importantly, your nail and hand will do the talking. Clean, manicured hands create a positive impression. For a formal office role, women can use neutral shades, for instance. Men also benefit from a manicure that looks after their nails and cuticles. Clean manicure The coach who teaches you to land your dream pay As a candidate, you rarely feel in a good position to negotiate your salary. However, nobody works for free. Knowing how to agree on your starting pay and asking for a raise is critical to your career. An executive coach can be a resourceful mentor to help you to navigate the troubled waters of pay negotiation. You should always do your research carefully by defining the salary range for your location and skill set. Dont be afraid to ask for more as it is a common strategy that confirms youre a top player. Additionally, you need to be clear from the start about your salary expectations during the interview process. While some recruiters are uncomfortable discussing money matters, you need to protect your interest and let them know that you have a minimum non-negotiable price. The inside man who tells you about the business Last but not least, platforms such as LinkedIn can let you connect to professionals who are active within the company or the industry sector of your choice. Even without building an extensive relationship, you can use their posts to gain the market savviness you need. Additionally, you can also use your network to engage and interact with local players and managers who can share their tips about specific businesses. There is no secret. Behind every successful applicant, there is a large team of experts. From the stylist who picks your interview outfit to the theatre coach who helps you to take the stage for your presentation, you can find reassurance in the knowledge that you dont have to go through the interview challenges on your own. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to identify and land your dream job. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search